Model : Unknow author. Textures: Unknow author. Source: X Wing Alliance Mod Paper model: Péricles Gomide Filho |
Technical and Historical Notes
This KF-100 Drathi is the standard Fighter of the Imperial Kilrath Navy
in the first two games Wing Commander. No there is any ship that more
it symbolizes the Empire of Kilrah that the Dralthi fighter with his characteristic
bat wing. A succession of initial successes in space combats combined
with his different silouette printed Dralthi in their human opponents’
minds a superiority aspect (similar to the that happened to the allied
pilots in the II World war (1939-1945) when faced the Japanese fighter
Mistubishi A6M2 Zero). This psychological impact was also caused by the
gigantic production of this model - it was the more comun fighter found
in the theater of operations Vega. |
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Dralthi is a very simple model of being built, but that captures the "real" aspect of a Dralthi very well. The prototype shown in the pictures, he has a small whatering done with silver metallic paint besides a cockpit done through the technique of the scratchbuilding.
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model is totally free: for modifications or distribution of this model |